As network marketing professionals, do you know that you are part of one of the fastest growing industries in the world?
The WFDSA (World Federation of Direct Selling Associations) just released its annual Global Statistical Report for the direct selling industry. If you are serious about your business, you absolutely need to know these Global Statistics.*

Some Highlights
- How many people are involved? Over 103 million network marketers around the world!!
- What’s our global sales volume? Together we move over $183 Billion USD
- What are the top countries? Top 3 are US, China, Korea
How did India do in 2015?
- India is in the Top 25 markets in the world (at #22)
- India is a billion dollar market! Indian direct selling companies generated revenues of Rs.7.6 Crores (approx US$1.18 billion)
- The industry in India grew by 6.2% year on year.
- Around 3,929,105 Indians are involved in direct selling.
For more facts and details, please refer to the report. Share these numbers with others, mention them to prospective business partners, and include them in your team trainings to show the impact of our industry.
Most people have no idea of the size of our profession and how, with over 100 million people involved, we are a growing tsunami of goodness that’s gaining power and momentum in today’s sharing economy.
Network marketing truly is “a global movement sweeping the planet, changing the lives of families everywhere.” Never forget, you are part of a global phenomena.
*Figures are based only on DSA member companies and not the entire industry