Whether you’ve been a Distributor for a long time or just became one, you would have had to go through the Policies and Procedures document on our website. If you haven’t already, we definitely recommend that you do it right now!
Our policies and procedures are pretty straightforward and easy to comprehend. But like all policy documents, there are always certain points that may not be so easy to comprehend. That’s why we’re breaking down some important points from the Policies and Procedures document along with highlighting the ones that we need you to pay attention to.
Clause 4 – Independent Representatives / Distributors
“ 4.01 How to register as a Distributor
To become an Independent Representative / Distributor, a person must:
(a) Be 18 years of age or above;
(b) Have a Referrer;”
Let’s begin with the an easy one. To be a Distributor, you have to legally be an adult and have someone who referred you to the business. (Duh, how else would you know about it otherwise, right?)
Code Of Ethics – Explaining the Business Plan
“When presenting or discussing the Company’s Compensation Plan, a Distributor must not make false representations concerning:
a) any risks likely to be associated with carrying on the business;
b) the amount of time the average person would have to devote to carrying on the business;
c) the annual expenditure and the annual gross income which the average person carrying on the business might expect and the method of calculating those figures.”
This simply means that a Distributor should educate the prospect on the risks involved in the business. Like any new business, its success depends on how hard the person works. The harder you work, the better your chances of succeeding. No one makes profits by sitting back and relaxing, especially because this is not an investment.
In addition, no Distributor is supposed to promise a prospect that they will earn as much as the Distributor is currently earning. The level of hard work, enthusiasm and networking capacity varies from person to person. Hence, such promises could come back to bite the Distributor if the prospect does not earn as much.
General Obligations – Product Claims
“The Company publishes detailed data about its products, which are verifiable, accurate, and complete. A Distributor must not make claims about any of the Company’s products or services unless it is published in the Company’s official literature and accurately reflect the information contained in the literature.”
If a Distributor makes claims about a product that don’t seem like they could actually be true, refer to our website. The benefits of all our products are clearly mentioned on our website. As a prospect and a consumer, you must know what is being sold to you and how it is going to benefit you. If you choose to believe the words of someone making highly impossible claims about a product, you have been advised.
As a Distributor, while a hard sell is appreciated and is beneficial for your business, making false statements about the products is condemnable. If you are not aware of the exact features of a product, please refer to our website and get all your facts straight before you approach a prospect.
The Policies and Procedures document must be your Bible. Follow it to the T and you will have a smooth business experience and nothing to worry about. Come back next week for the next set of Policies and Procedures that will be simplified for your benefit.
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