Did you know that the main reason for the direct selling and network marketing profession to face reputational challenges is due to misrepresentation by a few individuals who do not understand or respect the sanctity of this business? Just like any other entrepreneurial venture you may decide to establish, any new business that you may want to start, getting started in direct selling requires you to play by the same rules — Play Hard. Play Fair.
This is a business just like any other. Respect the law. Respect the policies and procedures set out by the company. Not sure what these policies and procedures are? It’s available in your virtual office for reference. It is what you agree to before you sign up to be an Independent Representative (IR) with QNET.
QNET also has a clear Code of Ethics we expect all IRs to comply with. The QNET Code of Ethics tell you what is and isn’t good behaviour for a QNET IR. It’s all about fairness. That’s our obligation to you and it’s your responsibility to us, and, most importantly, your customers, downlines and prospects.
We make it easy for you to understand the QNET Code of Ethics with this fun 100-second video. Make sure to watch it and share it with your downlines and at every training you organize as a reminder to play fair.
Take the #qnetpro pledge with us and vow to clear the name of the direct selling industry so that we can lead more people to the incredible freedom we enjoy through network marketing.
Read: I am a Network Marketing Professional
Good business ethics starts with you!
I AM proud to be associated with QNET its a way of life to DREAM & ACHIEVE BIG in LIFE
I am proud to be one of the dreamers who deserves and are getting those true.
All thanks to Qnet.