Around the world, 18,000 people die every day because of air pollution. The World Health Organization says the number of deaths attributed to air pollution is 6.5 million a year. That’s more than the number of people killed by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and road injuries combined.
In fact, air pollution is the fourth-largest threat to human health, behind high blood pressure, dietary risks and smoking. It is caused by power generation, industry, and transport as well as cooking fuels used inside the home. It is a problem around the world, but some countries are much more affected than others.
Premature deaths caused by air pollution have declined in Europe, the United States and a number of other areas, while they have increased in many countries in Asia and Africa in particular.
The countries with the largest number of premature deaths caused by air pollution are mostly in Asia and Africa. Globally, household air pollution was the cause of an estimated 4.3 million premature deaths in 2012, overwhelmingly in areas where solid fuel or kerosene is used for cooking.
The largest numbers of premature deaths were in China with 1.5 million and India with 1.25 million deaths.
Experts Speak
“Breathing fresh and clean air will drastically reduce the chances of health ailments”, says Dr. Devi Shetty Chairman, Narayana Hrudalaya, Bengaluru.
“Air-conditioned homes and offices are not fit for breathing. In a Hospital, recirculated air is a cause of cross infection. It is very important to deploy measures to clean and consume fresh air”, according to Dr. Vijay Agarwal, Secretary General at the Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations.
Dr. Girdhar Gyani, Director General of the Association of Hospital providers in India adds, “People affected with Respiratory infections have risen manifold in the last few years. There is a strong link between the air we breathe and Respiratory Infections. Maintaining good indoor air quality plays a major role in the well-being of the occupants.
Protect Your Family
Use an indoor air filtration system such as the Sharp QNet Plasmacluster Air Purifier to keep your family healthy. Watch this video to understand how the Plasmacluster technology cleans and purifies the air you breathe and why this technology is superior to any others available on the market currently.