Network marketing superstars are not born; they’re made – mostly through determination, perseverance, and hard work. An important ingredient of success in network marketing that may not always be obvious to many is mentorship.
Mentorship is one of the reasons that the network marketing business model is so successful. Mentorship and coaching are important in all aspects of life and if you look around at the most successful people, you will find that 9 out of 10 of them have or have had a mentor. In network marketing mentorship is built right into the business model!
Ask any top leader and they will most likely tell you that topline mentoring was a major factor in their success – on the other hand, ask someone who hasn’t been successful and they’ll probably tell you they had zero support.
Mentorship is at the very core of the network marketing profession. The correlation between mentorship and sales success lies in the strong culture of support system. Network marketing professionals do the business independently but leverage the readily available support from the company, their uplines and leaders and their teammates. Network marketing, after all, may be a business for yourself but it’s not a business by yourself.
In QNET, the most successful Independent Representatives are those who take to heart the principle “You will succeed as you help others succeed.”
They are lifelong students who’ve had to learn, relearn and unlearn a lot of things, regardless of their prior status or background when they decided to become a part of QNET. Once they made the firm commitment to be plugged into the company’s system for success, they humbled themselves to be mentored by the rightful gurus of the profession.
Here are some of the mentorship principles successful leaders at QNET follow:
Mentorship by Example – A good leader is a good follower. The art of becoming a successful Network Marketing Mentor is to do all the things you want others to do and lead by your own example, inspire others with your passion, vision, commitment and persistence. Be an open and honest communicator, look for the best in people, empower them to their own personal greatness and always do the right thing!
An effective leader is one who is himself being mentored and shares the learning by mentoring others. One is never too successful to be mentored.
In Service – For uplines, being a mentor means practicing the culture of being in service to their downlines. They make themselves accountable for each and everyone’s success in the business. They extend consistent coaching and assistance – from fast start to rank advancement; spearhead useful trainings and events; promote ethical marketing practices; and, serve as inspiration to many in continuously elevating the network marketing profession.
The Empty Cup Principle – This is the principle that keeps everyone grounded. If you want to succeed in the QNET business, it is essential for you to become an empty cup. Empty your mind of all preconceived notions and open it up to receive the earned wisdom and knowledge of your mentor.
Principle of Trespass – If you want to be mentored effectively, as a first step you must recognise the importance of giving the mentor permission to speak the truth, however difficult it may be to hear. For a mentor to be granted trespass, they need to show their mentee the value and significance of their relationship. This way, they get to know and work on each other’s strengths and weaknesses and tell each other the truth with no guilt or inhibitions. Through time and consistency, a strong relationship and a fruitful partnership is built.
Is it possible to succeed without an active upline? The answer is YES. Is it possible for a networker to flourish in the business without a mentor? Highly unlikely.