Water is something we take for granted and spare hardly any thoughts about, especially in our daily routine. Several countries today are facing severe water crisis which has amplified the urgency of saving water not just for the coming generations but also for the current population. Globally, more than 800 million people lack access to water and by 2025 about 1.8 billion people will be living in regions with absolute water scarcity.
‘Water for All’, the theme of this year’s World Water Day urges everyone to actively participate in conserving water. Each one of us can make a difference when it comes to earth’s most precious resource.
Start the journey by being more mindful and aware of water wastage in your home and surroundings. If you are living in a society, make sure you know the kind of water processes being implemented. If you see wastage of water, like a pipe running in the society garden or too much water is used to wash cars, point it out to the concerned authorities. Being mindful of water usage goes a long way in preventing wastage. We tend to be more careful if we understand the water wastage we’re causing mindlessly each day.
By following these simple steps in our day-to-day life we can be a part of the change and do our bit to conserve water.
Close all taps when not in use
It’s the simplest thing yet one of the highest sources of water wastage. Always remember to shut the water source when it is not being used like while soaping utensils, brushing teeth, shampooing your hair, etc.
Use the washing machine wisely
The washing machine is a boon and perhaps we tend to overuse it by loading smaller batches regularly. Instead, if the machine is used only when fully loaded, tonnes of water can be saved each day.
Flush it right
How many of us have ever given a thought to the flush button on a western toilet? If you notice, the button is usually divided into two sections, one side for a full flush and the other for only using half a tank of water. Flushing according to the need has a big impact on conserving water.
Check for leaks in the house
One drop every second leads to about five gallons each day, according to the US government’s water wastage data. Check for leaks in the household – pipes, drainage, sinks etc. Keeping a watch on your water meter during periods of no usage can help in understanding whether there are leaks. Additionally, also monitor your water bills for keeping usage in check.
Use leftover water for plants
We often tend to throw away the water that we’ve used to cook or clean vegetables. This water, along with leftover water in bottles, glasses after a party, and from any other activity can be better
Embrace sustainable technology
Home appliances have become synonymous with modern living. But are you a conscious consumer who checks if the appliances are energy-efficient? If not, you can start today. Do some basic research on the type of appliances or just ask the sales person about it. For example, while selecting a water purifier for home, don’t forget to check if the one you chose has a water recovery technology in place.
Say no to processed food
Processed food is food altered during preparation with techniques like freezing or canning to preserve and transport it. It takes large quantities of water to process food for longevity. By choosing fresh food alternatives, this water wastage can be prevented. Add to that the bonus of good health by eating fresh.
Eating out
At restaurants, people usually go for packaged water over regular. But in most cases, the bottle will be left behind half-consumed and wasted. The next time, make a conscious attempt to finish it or carry the bottle with you and make others follow it too.
Help create awareness
Share the simple ways to save water with friends, family and even acquaintances. Point out water wastage if you see it and educate them on how to change it for the better. For the planet can do with some mindful usage of this valuable life-sustaining resource.
By developing these water-saving habits, we can work toward a sustainable planet. If you have some simple every day hacks to save water, do let us know in the comments below.
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